

MTM073 - 1/700th Scale HMS Tamar, Batch 2 River Class Offshore Patrol Ship by MT Miniatures

In stock: 4 available
Product Details

This is a 1/700th scale waterline model of HMS Tamar, the Royal Navy's Batch 2 Offshore Patrol Vessel, also known as the River Class. She is one of five Batch 2 Rivers. The kit contains resin and white metal parts with some photo etch and an assembly guide. Tamar was recently repainted in a dazzle camouflage scheme. If you wish to produce your model with this paint scheme I also supply a decal set of the scheme. The reference number for the decal set is MTM073A. (You will find the decal set under MT Miniatures Accessory sets/decals)

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MTM073 - 1/700th Scale HMS Tamar, Batch 2 River Class Offshore Patrol Ship by MT Miniatures
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