

MTM020 - 1/700th Scale HMS Fearless, LPD Assault Ship by MT Miniatures

In stock: 1 available
Product Details

This is a model kit of HMS Fearless, the Royal Navy's LPD Assault Ship for over 40 years. The kit contains resin and white parts, photo etched detail, decals, 2 x LCU Landing Craft, 2 x AEW2A Seaking Helicopters, 1 Sea Harrier, 3 x 4 ton lorry's, 1 x 4 ton fuel tanker, 1 x tank and 1 x container.

The pictures of HMS Fearless on a sea base are as built straight from the box, with no after sale parts added. The sea base is not included in the kit.

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MTM020 - 1/700th Scale HMS Fearless, LPD Assault Ship by MT Miniatures
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